NEC- Consultants (Pvt) Limited.

NEC Consultants (Pvt.) Limited is one of the largest environmental and energy consulting companies in Pakistan.

Established in 1993 under the Companies Ordinance 1984, the company has come a long way in retaining its excellence in diversified areas of environmental protection and resource efficiency read more.

Jobs in NEC Consultants

NEC Consultants urgently requires Electrical Engineer (male) at its Lahore office. The preference will be given to those candidates having 1-3 years of working experience on energy efficiency assignments and practically involved in the operation and management of industrial electrical syatem. To applay for this job send your CV at

Dialogue for Sustainability (DfS)

NEC is applying DfS approach in its consultancy assignments to engage and involve clients in their problem solving and creating ownership in solution development and implementation.

Client Services

Studies &
Conservation &
Engineering Designs
Electrical Safety

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