Environmental Assessment Report for the project titled Strengthen community resilience to floods
The duration of this project is 2016-2017.
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and its implementing partner Research and Development Foundation (RDF) has selected 6 Union Councils in two districts, i.e. Sanghar and Thatta in Sindh province, for a long-term WASH intervention under the project titled “Strengthen community resilience to floods, and improve access to safe drinking water, adequate sanitation and hygiene for 140,500 individuals in Sanghar and Thatta districts, Sindh Province”. The aim of this project is to provide target communities access to safe and clean drinking water, improved sanitation using Pakistan Approach to Total Sanitation (PATS) and hygiene awareness. The project started in May 2015. NCA through its implementing partner RDF plans to promote self-reliance in the communities by empowering them through water and environmental sanitation; training the communities in current health related techniques and assist them in capacity building for sustainability at community level. The overall objective is to provide a better life for the people of both Districts. The environmental aspect of the project is based on the organization’s desire to promote the overall natural resource management, putting more emphasis on community environmental concerns.
Description of actual services provided in the assignment:
(i)Primary surveys for sio-economic
(ii)Public and stakeholders consultations
(iii)Development of EIA report