Assignment from
PTA Environmental Society (SZ)
Period of Assignment
Technical Assistance
PTA Environmental Society (SZ)
Pakistan Tanners Association initiated comprehensive environmental management program in 1994. Implementation of cleaner Technologies in individual tanneries, implementation of comprehensive solid waste management for tannery solid waste and construction of combined effluent treatment plant (CETP) were major component of the program.
Phase-I of the project was to establish feasibility of each cleaner technology option, develop guidelines for establishment of solid waste management in the sector, evaluation of treatment options available for the tannery cluster.
1. Topographical survey and profile of Project area
2. Soil Investigation
3.Feasibility Studies
4. Preliminary design of Wastewater conveyance system and treatment plant
5. Preliminary design and drawings
6. Preliminary cost estimates
7. Preliminary Occupational Health and Safety Plan
8. Preparation of Policy Development Plan
9. Pilot scale study on UASB technology for treatment of tannery wastewater